Golf's Mental Revolution: The Best Online Golf Instruction Videos to Lower Your Scores


Your Mental Gym to Learn to Win 

With 140+ video lessons, you will work out how to dominate the golf course.

Plus bonus content from world-class pros including Keegan Bradley, Zach Johnson, Davis Thompson, Davis Love III, Stewart Cink, and many more. 

Dr. Mo, golf sports psychologist, has helped his clients achieve a combined 32 PGA Tour victories including 4 majors, over 300 amateur wins, and 2 NCAA championships!

Want to think like these guys? With the help of Dr. Mo, you can improve your game!

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You Change Your Body...

So Change Your Mind... 

  • Are you a golfer who wants to improve their game?
  • Are you trying to fix your golf swing but not seeing results?
  • Are you tired of wasting shots because of your thinking or your nerves?
  • Do you want to change that this year?


Dr. Mo will help you learn to Think Better so you can Score Better


The Score Better Video Program. A Complete Workout Program for Your Mind


In the Score Better video program, you'll learn how to improve every aspect of your golf game without focusing on technique or mechanics, but rather by learning how to excel at managing your thinking.

This is the best online golf coaching for the mind. 


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A Mental Gym to Learn to Win!

Transform how you play golf with the help of sports psychologist Dr. Mo and his Score Better video program.

Mental Golf coaching to maximize your performance and bring consistency to your game


Dr. Mo's tips and videos give you mental golf fitness that consistently elevates your game.

Improve through an enjoyable program taken by beginner and advanced golfers around the world.


The video program will help you maximize your performance in these 3 areas:

  • On-Course Thinking
  • Practice & Preparation
  • Off-Course Thinking.

Watch these videos below as an example of the content you’ll receive in the course!

(Some phones may need to turn horizontal to play video in fullscreen)

Score Better System Outline
Score Better Video Outline
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Your Instructor: Meet Dr Mo

Dr. Morris Pickens or “Dr. Mo” as his clients affectionately call him, is a Golf Psychologist specializing in competitive performance enhancement.

He coaches athletes and business professionals to learn how to Choose Success and reach their highest potential.

He does this by helping athletes and leaders:

  • Think more effectively regarding the challenges they face
  • Practice more productively based on their strengths and weaknesses
  • Implement specific strategies to manage specific competitive situations

If you are ready to...

Find the root cause 

Learn the reasons why sometimes you play well and sometimes you play poorly.

Understand stats like never before

Stats only tell you where the ball went, now understand why the ball went there.

Practice more efficiently

Quit just “going to the range”. Learn how to maximize your practice time so it transfers to the course!

You're ready for the Score Better video program.

What's Inside?


Dr. Mo's video golf lessons are ready to help you play your best golf!

The Score Better video program includes:

  • 140+ insightful video lessons: Bite-sized modules packed with practical exercises and actionable tips.

  • 4 in-depth video guides: Dive deeper with comprehensive explanations and expert insights you’ll want to revisit over and over.

  • Exclusive access to a library of curated articles and podcasts: Stay on top of the latest mental game strategies and golfing trends with expert-chosen resources, perfect for supplementing your video learning.

Plus the BONUS Content:

Score Better System Outline

View Outline

Score Better Video Outline

View List of Future Videos

Articles from Dr. Mo

Sample Article

Podcasts from Dr. Mo

Sample Podcast

Enjoy a 24-month improvement plan with lifetime access to the entire program. Choose the payment option that best suits you:


Spread the cost over 6 months with affordable monthly payments of $100 


Save 20% with a one-time payment of $500

One Time Payment ($500)
6 Monthly Payments ($100)
Buy as a Gift ($500)



Clients' feedback on specific improvements Dr. Mo and the Score Better video program have had on their game


Isn’t it time to elevate your golf game?


Dr. Mo teaches a unique combination of mindset + preparation that will help you improve.

This isn’t about your swing or technique. This is about helping you think better so that you can score better.

Save 20% with a one-time payment of $500

One Time Payment ($500)
6 Monthly Payments ($100)
Buy as a Gift ($500)