Mastering the Art of How to Hit a Bunker Shot

Dr Mo How to Hit a Bunker Shot


Mastering the Art of How to Hit a Bunker Shot: My Bunker Shot Tips


Ever stared down a ball nestled precariously in a bunker and felt a cold sweat roll down your spine? Fear not, fellow golfers! Mastering how to hit bunker shots is absolutely achievable, and with the right knowledge and practice, you can turn those sand traps from dreaded hazards into scoring opportunities.


This comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential skills to handle any bunker situation you encounter. We'll explore different techniques for various scenarios through a series of instructional videos, and even show you some drills to refine your bunker game.


So, grab your lob wedge (or maybe your 54 wedge, we'll get to that later), and let's get started!


In the first video, I, Dr. Mo, guide Sawyer through the essentials of hitting a fairway bunker shot. Fairway bunkers are some of the most common types of bunker encounters you'll face on the course. Learning how to hit these shots effectively is a crucial step to managing your game when your ball doesn’t find the fairway. 


Fairway Bunker Shots: Setting Yourself Up for Success


Before you even think about swinging, proper setup is paramount. A balanced stance with your weight slightly forward on your front foot is key for maintaining control throughout the shot. This position allows you to swing freely while ensuring you make solid contact either with the sand beneath the ball, or the ball itself, depending on how long the shot it and what you are trying to do with it.


By following these fundamental tips and practicing regularly (even just once a month!), you'll be well on your way to mastering fairway bunker shots and escaping those sand traps with confidence. Watch the video to see my expert instruction and see these techniques come to life!


Beyond the Sand Wedge: Club Selection for Bunker Shots


While a lob wedge might be your first instinct for any bunker shot, fellow golfers, club selection becomes even more important depending on the situation you face on the course. This is exactly what Shepherd encounters in the next video.


Shepherd's Challenge:


In this video, we join Shepherd on the 15th hole – a par five where he's managed to hit the ball close to the green in two shots, but unfortunately finds himself in a bunker with a long distance to the pin. Here, the standard approach of using a high-lofted sand wedge (typically a 58 or 60 wedge) might not be the best option for navigating this particular bunker shot.


As I explained to Shepherd, the extra distance to the pin requires a different strategy. A high-lofted wedge requires you to swing harder (because the ball is going to launch higher) potentially leading to blading the ball or landing short and rolling back into the sand. To address this, Shepherd opts for a less lofted club, a 54 wedge in this case. This allows him to maintain control of the shot and prevent the ball from ballooning excessively. This results in a more controlled swing (and trajectory) and helps him get the ball on the green with less risk of skulling it or chunking it.


Remember, fellow golfers, club selection is a key factor in mastering bunker shots. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the wedge that offers the best combination of distance and control for your specific situation. Watch the video to see Shepherd put these tips into action and see the effectiveness of proper club selection in these scenarios!


How to Hit Bunker Shots Like a Pro (Even From Tricky Lies!)


Not all bunker situations are created equal. Sometimes, you might find yourself facing a particularly challenging scenario – a plugged lie. This is where the ball becomes deeply embedded in the sand, making it difficult to hit a clean shot with a standard approach. But fear not, golfers! There's a special technique you can use to navigate these tricky situations and hit a bunker shot even when the odds seem stacked against you.


Introducing the Toe-Down Shot:


In this video, I'm joined by my student, Adalynne, to demonstrate a special technique called the toe-down shot. This unconventional approach is specifically designed for those moments when you encounter a plugged lie and have limited space for a normal stance.


As you'll see in the video, the toe-down shot requires a unique setup. Adalynne positions herself as if she's going to hit the ball normally, but then takes the club face, which is currently square, and closes it dramatically so the toe digs into the sand. This literally creates a different interaction between the club and the sand, allowing you to hit a bunker shot that pops the ball out of the sand, rather than trying to scoop it out with a standard swing.


The toe-down shot might seem unorthodox, but it's a valuable tool to have in your arsenal for those challenging plugged-in situations. Remember, mastering how to hit a bunker shot involves not just the fundamentals, but also the ability to adapt to different scenarios on the course. Watch the video to see Adalynne execute the toe-down shot and witness the effectiveness of this technique for plugged lies!


Sharpen Your Skills: Short Bunker Shot Drills for Mastering Distance Control


While you've learned essential techniques for various bunker scenarios, mastering how to hit a bunker shot also requires consistent practice to refine your distance control. This is where the short bunker shot drill comes in, offering a fun and effective way to hone your skills.


Taking Your Game to the Next Level:


In this video, we see a fun drill featuring Taylor and Jesse as they work on their short bunker game. The objective is simple: hit two balls consecutively from various locations within the bunker, ensuring they land just short of a designated rake. The key here is distance control – a crucial element for navigating any bunker situation.


This drill might seem straightforward, but as the video highlights, short bunker shots require precise execution. The lines drawn in the sand provide visual cues to help Taylor and Jesse judge their distance and swing accordingly. While not a common practice method, this drill offers a unique way to challenge yourself and develop a feel for distance control in bunker shots.


Beyond the Fundamentals:


Mastering how to hit a bunker shot goes beyond just learning the mechanics. Consistent practice with drills like this one helps you develop the feel and confidence required to navigate any bunker situation on the course.


Bonus Tip: Want to add a social element to your bunker practice? Consider incorporating this drill into a fun group activity! Check out our blog post, Mastering Golf with Friends: 7 Golf Games for Groups That You Can Practice Together, for inspiration on how to turn your practice into a social and enjoyable experience!


You've Escaped the Bunker, Now Escape Your Limits!


By following these bunker-busting tips, you've taken a significant step toward lowering your scores. But there's more to mastering golf than just conquering sand traps. The mental game plays a crucial role in success on the course.


Imagine yourself calmly assessing a bunker shot, visualizing a perfect trajectory, and executing with unwavering confidence. This is the power of a strong mental game.


Ready to take your entire game to the next level? Don't settle for escaping just bunkers, escape the limitations holding you back on the course altogether.

The Score Better Video Program is a comprehensive solution designed to elevate your entire golfing experience. It goes beyond the practice of individual shots and delves deep into the mental side of the game.

This program equips you with powerful strategies to:

  • Conquer nerves and stay calm under pressure, even in the most intimidating situations.
  • Develop laser focus that allows you to maintain concentration throughout your entire round.
  • Build unshakeable confidence so you can approach every shot with an unwavering belief in your abilities.
  • Master course management to make smarter decisions that shave strokes off your score.

Imagine yourself walking onto the course with a winning mindset, ready to tackle any challenge with confidence and focus. With The Score Better Video Program, that golfer can be you.


Don't wait any longer to unlock your full golfing potential. Head over to our website and learn more about The Score Better Video Program today! This program is your key to escaping not just bunkers, but all the mental roadblocks that stand between you and your best scores.