Darren May on What Tour Players Do Differently To Score Better

In the world of golf, there's an elite class of players that we all look up to – the PGA Tour players. We admire their unwavering consistency, impeccable performance, and the precision that they bring to seemingly every swing. But what is it that truly differentiates these PGA Tour players from the talented amateurs and college standouts? Let's dive into the core elements that set the pros apart, and we'll glean insights this month from Coach Darren May, who's renowned for his work with Keegan Bradley.
The Art of Precision in Setup
PGA Tour players are known for their meticulous approach to setting up for a shot. Their attention to detail extends to every aspect of their setup, be it alignment, grip, ball position, stance, body alignment, or posture. But what truly sets them apart is their unwavering consistency. Even the precise distance they stand from the ball is a fundamental factor. This precision in setup ensures that they consistently strike the center of the clubface, regardless of the situation. For these pros, consistency begins with a flawless setup.
Maintaining the Rhythm and Tempo
One hallmark of PGA Tour players is their unwavering sense of rhythm and tempo. This cadence remains consistent whether they're wielding wedges or drivers, executing full shots or partials. They don't rush or quicken their tempo, even when attempting to add more power to their shots. Every PGA Tour player possesses their individual cadence, which is critical in maintaining control, especially when the pressure mounts.
Masters of Calculating Playing Conditions
One distinctive trait that separates PGA Tour players from the rest is their ability to factor in various elements when calculating the playing conditions for each shot. Elements like the wind, temperature, elevation changes, and more are meticulously considered. This precise evaluation allows them to pick the perfect club and execute the shot with unparalleled accuracy.
Strategic Aiming
PGA Tour players seldom aim directly at the flag. Instead, they craft a strategy with a margin on either side of the flag. This approach stems from their deep understanding of pin positions and the dire consequences of landing on the dreaded short side. They aim to keep the ball within specific corridors, guided by statistical data that varies across yardage bands.
Yardage bands represent ranges of distances categorized for statistical analysis. For example, different yardage bands might require proximity to the flag within a certain range, like 9 feet for 50-75 yards and 12 feet for 75-100 yards. PGA Tour players adjust their practice based on these yardage bands, honing their precision for real-game scenarios.
Tailoring Strategies to Individual Strengths
One of the remarkable aspects of PGA Tour players' strategies is the degree to which they can be customized. They tailor their approach to play to their individual strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. This level of personalization is a key part of what makes them excel on the course.
PGA Tour players are in a constant state of self-improvement. Their unwavering attention to detail sets them apart from other golfers. By watching the video accompanying this blog, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the meticulous habits and strategies employed by PGA Tour players.
In summary, the consistency and precision of PGA Tour players go far beyond their swing. It extends to every facet of the game, starting from their meticulous setup to their strategic approach. To enhance your golfing skills, consider adopting these practices and explore further insights by watching the video. You can also join our Score Better Video Program, where you'll receive expert guidance to take your golfing journey to new heights.
Begin your journey to unlocking your PGA Tour-level potential and watch your golf game soar to new heights!